How It Works
Skin thins and begins to sag as its suppleness decreases with age, marking the beginning of the natural aging process. Facial muscles regularly express themselves over the years, causing lines and wrinkles to become permanent features of our skin, while external aging factors (such as prolonged exposure to the sun) will speed up this process. Wrinkles and sagging skin are mainly due to restricted tissues.
Specific massage techniques are utilized to tone, lift, lengthen, and relax the muscles during a natural facelift massage. This increases the mobility of the muscles by releasing constrictions within them. Additionally, constrictions in the dermal collagen and elastin fibers are freed, promoting the skin’s extensibility, elasticity, and suppleness.
The strokes also help the epidermis shed dead skin cells, which results in a skin tone that is more uniform. Additionally, the stimulation of the circulatory and lymphatic systems improves the skin’s ability to eliminate excess fluid and toxins from beneath the surface, reducing puffiness and improving the appearance of tired, dull, and gray skin.